Thanksgiving day. This is just after eating. These three were able to crawl up from the downstairs and plop onto the couch before their stomachs exploded.
Zach and Chris discussing iPods.
Papa doing ding-dongs with a half naked Mitchell.
Amy being her usual stunning self. I still don't know why she isn't a professional model.
Chris was good enough to rent a tuxedo for our very formal (as always) Thanksgiving dinner.
Chris, Amy and Sebastian.
"No pictures, please. We don't need any accolades for our fantastic clean up job."
This is how Mom spent the majority of Thanksgiving. She is just a party animal.
I was so hilarious that Amy's eyes popped out of her head.
Adam posed like this for quite a while hoping I would take his picture. Parker stepped in at the last minute.
Mark torturing the puppy. And he wonders why it growls at him.
This is so cute it belongs on a calendar.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Scary Mark on Halloween.
We got a new puppy! He is a pomeranian and is 6 weeks old. He is so tiny and cute. He is the size of a kitten and also the same size as our guinea pig. We love him. His name is Chewie because he looks like Chewbacca.
Mitchell and the puppy just hanging out.
Amy and Sebastian rushed right over to see the puppy.
First day home.
He likes this ball.
More ball mauling
Here we are hanging out in the backyard at night.
He likes to bite sleeves and pant legs.
Close up
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
The boys with one if their buckets of candy. The face paint was not an original part of Mitchell's costume.
Zach in a sugar stupor after all the trick-or-treating.
Zach enjoying his class party.
A close up of the peely skin look. I did this all over Mark's face, but I forgot to get a picture of him.
Mitchell wanted some more makeup after the trick-or-treating was done. I think he was going for a Darth Maul look.
Zach pretending to be dead outside the haunted shed.
The boys friend Chris who is now in Jr. High (and too old to trick-or-treat) and wanted to help Mark in the haunted shed this year. I did his peeling skin. It is hard to see from all the smoke.
Scary Zach. Are you surprised I can tell Zach and Parker apart?
Parker doing his pose. This is about the only time he had this hood on. He made me make him the hood, and at the last minute he wanted me to put a wound on his cheek and didn't want to wear the mask much.
All the boys and their friend Shawn ready to go trick-or-treating.
Parker enjoying his school Halloween Party. He would only wear his costume during the parade. He is far too cool to wear it all the time.
Parker is feeling the Frankenstein's brain.
This is my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Lloyd. She is also Zach's 6th grade teacher.
Mitchell and his friend Elizabeth waiting for the school parade to begin.
Here we are waiting in a hotel lobby at 7:00 am for the hot air balloon guy to come and get us. He never came.
Mitchell has been obsessed with Star Wars recently.
Trying out the costume right after mom made it. How regal.