Saturday, October 06, 2007

Parker earns his Arrow of Light and moves onto 11 year old scouts

Parker's "skin" -- all his awards from cubscouts

Papa plays basketball at his birthday party

Everybody having cupcakes at the September's birthday party
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Mitchell's first day of 1st grade with his teacher Ms. Fairbourne, who was Parker's 4th grade teacher last year.

Parker's 1st day of 5th grade -- I had to sneak to get this picture of him.

Mitchell took a toy dog on a leash to Parker's soccer the same day 2 other girls did also, it was funny.

Mark is Rastafarian Mon.
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Mark cannot sit down during a soccer game -- no matter what the weather.

Parker's team wins the LaRoca tournament

Really cool kids with their trophies

Jacob (friend), Chloe, Uncle Adam, Victoria and Parker on the "Great Big Mable" towable
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Parker earns his Webelos Badge

The family at the zoo

A good pic of Parker playing soccer

The family getting our picture at church for the ward directory
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Mitchell braves the ghost alligator

Mitchell is just hatched!

Parker's team wins the Sparta tournament which launches their team to #1 in the country for their age group.

Parker's 5th grade teacher wanted a picture of them reading in an interesting place, we were at Tepanyaki
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Mitchell as a Pioneer at a Primary Party
Parker went to a futsal tournament in Anaheim

Mitchell and cousins at the zoo

Mitch and crazy cousing Chloe at the zoo
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Parker's team

Parker with some teammates

Parker jumps from the waterfall

Parker coming down the slide (this is private pool by the way)
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Mitchell is a monkey
Parker runs the football at field day

Mitchell in line for field day fun


Parker and friends being couch potatoes this summer.

Mitchell in the sprinklers

Mitchell and friend having a good time.
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