As something fun, I ordered caterpillars online. We got to watch them grow, cocoon, and transform to butterflies. After the weather turned warm, we released the into the great beyond. We tried to feed them Krispy Kreme, even offered them money, but they insisted on oranges
Mitchell getting a butterfly from its cage
Holding the butterfly
So beautiful
Zach poses so angelically with his butterfly. He is wearing a suit because this is right after church. Although he occaisionaly likes to lounge about in a smoking jacket.
A good picture of Zach
Zach and Mitchell in the front yard
Parker making a favorite treat in the Hedrick house (fried baloney.) No Allmans enjoy this nasty "treat"
Zach admires his butterfly
Me and a butterfly
I liked this picture of Mitchell
A butterfly drinks orange juice from Mitchell's finger
Mitchell making his class pay homage to him for his birthday. They all did it and seemed happy about it.
Mitchell and friends at Jump On It for his 7th birthday party
More awesome jumping
Then he became thirsty but refused to tell us, so he sat here dejected until we figured it out
Mitchell does his famous "cross eyes", while wearing his birthday hat
Parker hunts eggs at Grandma's house while Zach texts in the background
Chloe finds one of the many "hilarious" egg stuffers that Uncle Chris provided.
"What? I have to get out now?"
Zach is shocked while talking on the phone
Zach and his friends showing the camera their food during Zach's 14th B-Day party